# GQ GMC This is a web service interface for GQ GMC geiger counters. ## Installation Note this is not yet complete. ```bash go get -u gitlab.com/lyda/gqgmc/cmd/gqgmcd ``` ## Configuring udev Copy the `linux/51-gqgmc.rules` file to the `/etc/udev/rules.d` directory and force the reload of udev rules: ```bash sudo cp ./51-gqgmc.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gqgmc.rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules ``` Disconnect the GQ GMC-300 from the computer and then reconnect. Verify that there exists a `/dev/gqgmc` in the `/dev` directory with read/write permission for all users. ```bash ls -la /dev/gqgmc ```