# i3going-on This implements the [i3bar] protocol. ## Testing To enable this I add the following to `~/.config/i3/config`: ``` bar { id bottom status_command /path/to/repo/bin/i3going-on position bottom tray_output primary mode hidden } ``` To show/hide: `i3-msg 'bar mode toggle bottom'` To restart: `i3-msg restart` [i3bar]: https://i3wm.org/docs/i3bar-protocol.html ## Goals * Modules * Disks * Show disk usage for all partitions for a given fstype. * Send alerts for low disk space. * Battery * Run this when the battery is low: `notify-send -a battery -i /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/16/battery-caution.svg "Low Battery" "Battery is low. Please plug in."` * Network * Show IP address * For wifi show ESSID or strength * Volume setting for mic and speaker (two different modules) * Clicks - left down, right up, middle toggle mute * Date * Go format for time * Click opens calendar * Script * Emits json output that fits the standard. * Conditionals: Only show some modules if a condition is met. * Clicks * Should be able to set things to run for each modifier:button. Either (or both) can be set to ALL to match anything. * Set environment vars with all the context: * `I3GO_NAME="color"` * `I3GO_BUTTON=1` * `I3GO_MODIFIERS="control:shift"` * `I3GO_X=1902` * `I3GO_Y=1143` * `I3GO_RELATIVE_X=9` * `I3GO_RELATIVE_Y=13` * `I3GO_WIDTH=24` * `I3GO_HEIGHT=22`