# Omnibus-Vagrant #### Requirements: [Virtualbox 5.1+](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) [Vagrant 1.9+](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) #### Configure Data file gitlab-vagrant.yml contains profiles for each of your vagrant machines. Name can be any parseable format, such as: gitlab-edition-version gitlab-ticket-number gitlab-date Example: ``` --- - name: gitlab-ee-latest version: 9.1.1 edition: ee host_port: 9110 - name: gitlab-ce-12345 version: 8.17.3 edition: ce host_port: 8173 ``` Make changes to this file and save. For the following steps change name to the name of the machine in your profile, i.e. gitlab-ee-12345. #### Provision `vagrant up name` #### Status Show all running machines: `vagrant global-status` Show status of specific machine: `vagrant status name` #### Connect via SSH `vagrant ssh name` #### Cleanup Once you are finished testing etc you can remove the VM with: `vagrant destroy name` #### Reprovision To reprovision an existing machine: `vagrant up name --provision`