# Omnibus-Vagrant #### Requirements: [Virtualbox 5.1+](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) [Vagrant 1.9+](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) #### Usage `VERSION=x.x.x EDITION="ee|ce" vagrant up` i.e. `VERSION=9.1.1 EDITION="ee" vagrant up` The application will be available on http://localhost:version}. If the port is 3 digits and another 0, i.e. Version 9.1.1 will accessible from https://localhost:9110 on the host. #### Connect via SSH If you need to SSH onto the guest VM then: `VERSION=9.1.1 EDITION="ee" vagrant ssh` #### Cleanup Once you are finished testing etc you can remove the VM with: `VERSION=9.1.1 EDITION="ee" vagrant destroy` and recreate new VMs as you please using the above steps.